Grab Green, Automatic Dishwashing Detergent Pods, Red Pear with Magnolia, 60 Loads, 2 lbs 4 oz (1,080 g)

  • Виробник: Grab Green
  • Код товару: GGR-00302
  • upc код: 854822003028.
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вага товару: 1.29 кг. Розміри (ДxШxВ): 10.2x14.2x18.3 см.
  • ₴2240
  • ₴1833

Підтримка по:

Докладно про товар Grab Green, Automatic Dishwashing Detergent Pods, Red Pear with Magnolia, 60 Loads, 2 lbs 4 oz (1,080 g) :

  • Non-Toxic
  • Naturally-Derived Ingredients
  • Phosphate Free
  • Chlorine Free
  • Sparkling Clean
  • Removes Greasy Stuff
  • Spotless Rinse Aid
  • 60 Loads
  • Pre-Measured Concentrated Powder Pods
  • No mess + no clean up
  • Why Grab?

  • Pre-measured pods
  • Easy to carry
  • No mess + no waste
  • Sparkling dishes
  • No residue
  • Spotless
  • Why Green?

  • Non-toxic
  • Naturally-derived ingredients
  • Phosphate free
  • Chlorine free
  • No animal testing
  • Safe for septic systems
  • An enticing blend of crisp red pear with white magnolia blossom and dew-covered greens.

    Fragrance contains essential oils juniperus virginiana.

    Along with a blend of safe man-made ingredients to ensure a consistent scent.

    These powder pods work beautifully in standard machines and elegant European models.

    Рекомендації із застосування

  • Grab one pod for one load
  • Insert pod into dishwasher soap dispenser
  • Reseal pouch for freshness
  • No need to open pod.

    Have dry hands when handling pod, it will immediately begin to dissolve once wet.

    Інші інгредієнти

    Naturally-derived ingredientsSoda ashmineral - water softener.Sodium metasilicatemineral - aids in cleaning.Non-ionic ethoxylate surfactant blendbiodegradable cleaner + degreaser blend.Sodium sulfatemineral - cleaning agent.Sodium citratecitrus derived - aids in cleaning.Sodium percarbonatemade from soda ash - active oxygen aids in cleaning + removes residue.Silicaanti-caking agent.Sodium iminodisuccinatebiodegradable water softener.Sodium polyaspartatebiodegradable mineral - aids in removing spots.Organic enzyme blendbreaks down protein + starch based stains.


    Common Sense Caution: Mild eye irritant, harmful if swallowed. In case of eye contact flush with water for 15 minutes. If swallowed, drink water and contact a physician.

    Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

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