Nasopure, Nasal Wash System, Little Squirt Kit, 1 Kit

  • Виробник: Nasopure
  • Код товару: NSP-00004
  • upc код: 890668000043.
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вага товару: 0.18 кг. Розміри (ДxШxВ): 16x5.6x10.2 см.
  • ₴1507
  • ₴1233

Підтримка по:

Докладно про товар Nasopure, Nasal Wash System, Little Squirt Kit, 1 Kit :

  • The Most Comfortable Nose Wash in the World!
  • The Nicer Neti!
  • Ages 2 to 102+
  • Assembled by Adults with Disabilities
  • BPA-Free Plastic
  • 4 oz. Nasal Wash Bottle & 20 Buffered Salt Packets
  • Stay Healthy ~ Make it a Habit!

    We breathe 10,000 liters of air per day and your nose is the finest line of defense in a polluted world. Help avoid unnecessary illness and overmedication. ~Wash Daily!

    Dr. Hana ~ First Do No Harm

    Dr. Hana, a pediatrician with decades of experience, is on a mission to educate people on the benefits of nasal washing. Her enthusiasm for patient empowerment and avoidance of medication overuse has become the core of BeWell Health. As a company, our goal is to help you feel better and breathe easier, naturally!

    The Magic Is In The Mix!

    Nasopure buffered salt mix gently washes, moisturizes and cleans the nose, your personal filter!

    Reduces burning and/or irritation commonly felt with other salt mixes.

    pH balanced alkaline solution.

    The Nasopure Bottle

    Designed by a pediatrician, the patented Nasopure bottle allows for a comfortable, soothing experience even a 2 year old can enjoy!

    No bending ~ No twisting ~ No drowning sensation!

    The Nasopure Experience!

    Simple, soothing, safe ~ feels great!

    Who loves Nasopure? Anyone with a nose!

    Manage & Relieve symptoms associated with Allergies, Cold, Flu, Sinusitis & Rhinitis!

  • Nasal Congestion
  • Sinus Pressure
  • Nasal Dryness
  • Post Nasal Drip
  • Runny Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Naturally promotes nasal & sinus drainage

    May reduce swelling of nasal membranes

    May remove infectious particles, allergens & pollutants

    Thank you for helping our mission to First Do No Harm!

    Рекомендації із застосування

    2+ Years

    The first nose wash comfortable enough for 2 year olds to use and enjoy!

    Easy to use!

    Natural head and neck position, no bending or twisting!

    Інші інгредієнти

    Хлорид натрію та бікарбонат натрію класу USP.

    Упаковка містить запатентований флакон для промивання носу Nasopure на 120 мл (4 рідк. унції), 20 пакетиків солі (вага — 3,75 г, збалансований рівень pH, буферизована) і детальні інструкції.


    Consult your doctor if you have a significant medical condition

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