If You Care, Compostable Sponge Cloths, 5 Clothes

  • Виробник: If You Care
  • Код товару: IYC-25061
  • upc код: 770009250613.
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вага товару: 0.14 кг. Розміри (ДxШxВ): 23.4x17.3x1.8 см.
  • ₴903
  • ₴739

Підтримка по:

Докладно про товар If You Care, Compostable Sponge Cloths, 5 Clothes :

  • BPI® Compostable in Industrial Facilities
  • Home - OK Compost
  • Quality with Integrity
  • Certified Compostable
  • Once Cloth Absorbs 20x its Weight in Water
  • One Cloth Replaces up to 15 Rolls of Paper Towels
  • Machine Washable up to 300 Times
  • Ideal for Cleaning Kitchens, Bathrooms, Countertops and More
  • If You Care 100% Natural Sponge Cloths are made in a patented process from three-dimensional blending of cellulose, non-GMO unbleached cotton and mirabilite - a natural mineral salt. In production, the mirabilite is washed out, leaving the remaining blend (70% cellulose and 30% cotton) extremely porous, which makes the cloth extraordinarily absorbent. It can absorb up to 20 times its own weight in water.

    Why Use If You Care 100% Natural Sponge Cloths?

    Cleaning. There is no more effective cleaning cloth for kitchens, countertops, bathrooms and general household cleaning. It is the perfect carrier for water, soap and/or any disinfectants. It cleans streak free. It absorbs liquids easily and releases them with simple wringing. It is remarkably durable, tear and abrasion resistant, reusable over and over again, and can be machine washed in water up to 190°F (88°C), up to 300 times.

    The Environment. If You Care Sponge Cloths and their packaging are made from 100% renewable resources and contain no petroleum or fossil fuel products. Each cloth is reusable and rewashable many times, replacing up to 15 rolls of paper towels. They reduce waste and material going to landfill. The packaging is a biopolymer made from corn starch which is certified compostable leading to a further reduction in waste, greenhouse gasses and diversion from landfill.

    Product Lifecycle

    Environmental Benefits

  • 100% renewable resources
  • No petroleum products
  • Reusable many times
  • Reduces waste
  • Reduces landfill
  • Replaces up to 15 rolls of paper towels
  • Disposal

  • Cloths: compostable in both municipal and backyard facilities
  • Packaging: compostable in municipal composting facilities
  • Рекомендації із застосування

    Use & Care. Rinse and wring out excess water to increase absorbency. Use with water, soap and water, or household cleaners. After using, rinse thoroughly, wring out, and leave flat to dry. Can be washed at temperatures up to 190°F (88°C) in dishwasher or washing machine with normal loads. Do not use chlorine bleach or chlorine products. Leave to air dry. Do not tumble dry.

  • Perfect for cleaning kitchens
  • Perfect for cleaning countertops
  • Perfect for cleaning bathrooms
  • Machine washable up to 300 times
  • Інші інгредієнти


  • 70% cellulose 30% unbleached non-GMO cotton
  • 100% renewable resources
  • Packaging:

  • 100% compostable PLA-biopolymer derived from corn starch
  • 100% renewable resources
  • Покупець 2025-03-11

    Як тонку губку з целюлози я використовую для чищення ванни. Якщо після прання обрізати його до потрібного розміру і повісити на скріпку, він швидко висохне, а якщо забрудниться, викинете, але це зменшить відчуття провини.

    Покупець 2025-03-11

    Я не знаю, наскільки вони компостовані, але вони якісні. Я б дав їм 5 зірок, якби вони були трохи дешевшими, але все добре.

    Покупець 2025-03-11

    Натуральні і це головне. Сподобалась якість та упаковка. Буду замовляти ще

    Покупець 2025-03-11

    Добре, що господарчих товарів з поміткою """"еко"""" стає дедалі більше! Будемо компостувати ці ганчірки в наших ямах на городі.

    Покупець 2025-03-11

    Мені подобається такий одяг. Це трохи худі. Але все одно добре вбирається і швидко сохне. Єдиний недолік - при висиханні стає жорстким.

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