Culturelle, Kids, Regularity Probiotic + Fiber, 1+ Years, Unflavored, 60 Single Serve Packets

  • Виробник: Culturelle
  • Код товару: CTL-40093
  • upc код: 049100400938.
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вага товару: 0.42 кг. Розміри (ДxШxВ): 14.2x11.2x9.1 см.
  • ₴5580
  • ₴4566

Підтримка по:

Докладно про товар Culturelle, Kids, Regularity Probiotic + Fiber, 1+ Years, Unflavored, 60 Single Serve Packets :

  • #1 Pediatrician Recommended Brand♦
  • Helps Restore Regularity and Keep Digestive Systems Running Smoothly
  • Gold Start!
  • Probiotic Supplement
  • No Flavor Added
  • Naturally Sourced LGG®
  • Most Clinically Researched Strain in Children†
  • Guaranteed Purity & Potency
  • Dairy - Gluten- Soy - Free^
  • The Culturelle® Difference∞
  • Culturelle® Kids Probiotic + Fiber Regularity Packets are the safe, drug-free way to help keeps your kids regular.

    Sometimes, when kids can't go, they need a gentle push. Culturelle® Kids Probiotic + Fiber works naturally with your child's body to promote regularity.

    Our Gentle-Go® formula contains gluten free^ fiber extracts from kiwi, wheat & vegetables plus the probiotic strain most studied in children, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®)†.
  • Safe, Gentle & Drug Free
  • Probiotic + Naturally Sourced Fiber
  • Our Brand Values

    We're on a mission to inspire better health & wellness for you & your family.

    We believe in integrity, so we hold ourselves to the highest standards of truth.

    We believe in the natural power of your body's microbiome, & in scientific research& products that will unlock its full potential.

    We believe in uncompromising quality, safety & proven efficacy.

    We believe in im empowering you to embrace every day with confidence.

    Allergy Friendly Free From
  • Tree Nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • †Based on the number of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG studies, as of January 2019.

    ***Guaranteed potency through date on box when stored as directed.

    ♦Based on a 2018 survey among pediatricians recommending a probiotic brand.

    ^While this product contains an ingredient sourced from wheat, it meets the FDA's definition of gluten free (less than 20 ppm gluten). Not a reduced calorie food.

    ∞Excluded gummy formulas.

    Рекомендації із застосування

    For children 1 year and above, take one (1) packet up to three times daily.

    For best results, mix one (1) packet into food such as yogurt or applesauce.

    If mixing into beverage, shake beverage after packet is added. Some sediment from fruit and vegetable fiber is normal.

    Do not add to hot food or beverage.

    Інші інгредієнти

    Wheat, dextrin, inulin, kiwi fruit powder.


    This product is intended for use under adult supervision only. Keep out of reach of children. Not intended for children under 1 year of age. Inform a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement, particularly if there is a known immune-compromised condition.

    When fist taking a probiotic, your child's gut microbiome adjusts. Your child may experience minor bloating, gas or intestinal gurgling which should subside with continued use. Consult your healthcare professional if symptoms continue after two weeks.

    Storage Instructions: Store Culturelle® in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

    Tamper Evident: Product is sealed within packets. Do not use if any part of the packet is torn, open or damaged.
    Поживна цінність
    Serving Size: One (1) Packet
    Amount Per Serving%Daily Value ages 1-3%Daily Value 4+ years of age
    Calories 20
    Total Carbohydrate 5 g 3%++2%+
    Dietary Fiber 3.5 g 25%++13%+
    Total Sugars 0 g****
    Incl. 0 g Added Sugars 0%++0%+
    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG13 mg
    2.5 billion CFUs
    ++Percent Daily Values are based on a 1,000 calorie diet.
    +Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
    †Daily Value not established.
    Покупець 2025-03-12

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    дитяче здоров’я, пробіотики для дітей